We have six great males that have been DNA certified by the American Kennel Club and their analysis and profile numbers are listed with their pictures. This is to certify that each of our males has a certified genetic identity that can be traced to avoid any confusion about them or their offspring.
Memorex is about the most perfectly built Yorkie that I have ever seen. He is definately show quality with absolutely a "great" temperment. He sires beautiful puppies.
Memorex weighs 4 lbs and is 8 inches at the shoulder. He has AKC, DNA profile # V524570.
He has more champions in his background than you can count. His grandfather is Pellero-Ore Bravo and his great grandfather is World Champion Camparis Blueprint.
Charlie is Rocky's son and has all of his great traits, looks and disposition. He weighs 4lbs and is 8 inches at the shoulder. His is one of our new males and have just started to use him.
Cadbury, a beautiful little male Yorkie from a great kennel in Missouri. He weighs 3.5lbs and is 7 " at the shoulder. We will begin breeding him later this year.
Hunter has perfect composition, hair and his temperment is excellent. He only weighs 4 lbs and is 8 inches at the shoulder. His has AKC, DNA profile #V524571. He is Memorex's son.
Buddy, our newest sire. One of the most intelligent and loving dogs we have ever owned. He only weighs 4 lbs and is 8 inches at the shoulder. His has AKC, DNA profile # V10064892. He is Hunter's son.
Little Buck is our newest breeding male. He is our smallest male. He weighs 3-1/2 lbs and is 7-1/2" at the shoulder. He is out of a great kennel in Missouri. DNA profile # V10064891
Rocky is out of a great kennel in Virginia and is becoming one of our favorite studs. He weighs 4lbs and is 8 inches at the shoulder. His AKC, DNA profile#742863
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